SSC - TEMS [ Travel Expense Management System ]
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TEMS - Query on Company booked Tickets 05 Oct 2024 15:10:58

Employee Details
Employee Name :    PaySlip No. :
Unit : Unit - Deputed To :
Cost Centre : Cost Centre-Deputed To :
Grade :
Location :
Email ID : Mobile :
Employee Status :  Date of Separation  :
F & F Status :
Query on Company booked Tickets
Travel Date From :   * Travel Date Upto :    
Ticket Request No : 
Tickets :    
 Notes :- 
  • For more details, place the cursor on the 'Ticket Desk Request No'.
  • Cancellation request (if any) raised for the tickets listed will get effected (Cancelled) in TEMS only on Approval/Confirmation by Travel Desk. You are requested to take a note of the same.

     --> Cancel Ticket indication