SSC - TEMS [ Travel Expense Management System ]
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TEMS - Travel Expense Statement ( Approval ) 24 Jul 2024 03:07:41

Travel Expense Statement (Approval )
Request No. :             
 Supporting Documents

Employee Details
Employee Name :    PaySlip No. :
Unit : Unit - Deputed To :
Cost Centre : Cost Centre-Deputed To :
Grade :
Location :
Email ID : Mobile :
Employee Status :  Date of Separation  :
F & F Status :
Cumulative Amount :
Previous Financial Year :
Current Financial Year :
Tour Details
Request No. :    Tour Period :
Place(s) of Visit : Travel Purpose :
Travelling As : Programme Name :
Tour Summary : Total Tour Days :
 Is Reimbursable from Customer? : Advance Amount :
 Wbs No : Internal Order No :
 Specific message (if any) to notify SSC : :
Due From Company :     Due To Company : 
Cost Head Summary :
Tour Break - Up :
Total amount (above) is exclusive of 'Advance from Units'

EBill Upload Document History :

Note :

     --> Ola Manual Entry Indication
     -->Deviation Item(s)
Note :
In case of Boarding & Lodging, to view the details of 'Stayed at' / 'Period of stay', please keep the cursor at the appropriate line item (S.No.) 'Cost Head'/'Place visited' column.
Click on each Heads of deviation list to display the reasons of deviation.
Deviation List
Note :
Place the cursor on the respective Deviation to view the Comments/Reasons entered by the Traveller.
Bank Particulars : 
Payment Mode : 
Bank & Branch Name : 
Amount : 
Bank Name :  Bank A/C No: 
Bank IFSC Code : 
Documents in Work Flow > Trace