SSC - TEMS [ Travel Expense Management System ]
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TEMS - Finance Travel Estimate Request (Creation) 06 Oct 2024 21:10:53
TEMS - Finance Travel Estimate Request (Creation)
Employee Details
Employee Name :    PaySlip No. :
Unit : Unit - Deputed To :
Cost Centre : Cost Centre-Deputed To :
Grade :
Location :
Email ID : Mobile :
Employee Status :  Date of Separation  :
F & F Status :

Estimate Details
Estimate Date : 
Tour Start Date :  Hrs * Tour End Date :  Hrs *
Place of Visit :  * Purpose of Visit :  *
Travel Type :  Inland Currency :    *
Air Ticket by Co. ?   * Cost of Tickets (Co.) : 
Cost of Tickets (Own) :     Boarding & Lodging :       
Other Expenses :         Total Tour Cost :  0.00
Advance Required ?  * Advance Amount : 
You have so far open request(s) ! As per Travel policy max. of  per staff !
With reference to corporate circular No :CHR&P:3024 Dt 5th September 2008, in respect of travel, for claiming cost of ticket, Ticket of train , Bus and Air + boarding pass in original must be submitted along with Travel statement. Please ensure the same to avoid delay in settlement of travel statement.
          * fields are mandatory